Rising Again from the Grave

I’ve been a very, very, very lazy blogger.

Like, more than lazy. I checked, and my last post in this blog was long before Covid, which makes it feel like it was written at a very different time, by a very different person. But, here I am.

The landscape has changed a lot. Content about gaming feels like it’s everywhere — especially on video platforms. Is there still room for text blogging? Should I be trying to create a video channel like one of my friends (d20play), or jump into podcasting like some others(metagamers anonymous)?

The one thing I’m sure I don’t want to do is start posting on Elon Musk’s Twitter.

Thinking this way is silly — if I’ve demonstrated one thing over the past mumble-mumble years it’s that I don’t stick to this very long when I start up blogging again, so thinking very hard about it as a long-term project is silly as all hell. I’m going to focus on putting out a few thoughts now and then. Link to some resources. Share some ideas. Make some trouble. And see if anyone notices.

So, the Gnome is back. Hi.

Blades in the Dark – This Changes Everything

I’m developing a new obsession.

I tripped over some tweets by author John Harper, creator of Blades in the Dark, and that led me to his game, which has led me to the entire Forged in the Dark ecosystem.

So I bought Blades in the Dark. As an experiment I rand a session of it as a one-shot in a local Game Day. And it was…..amazing.

I’m a long time D&D and Savage Worlds game master, who dabbles in other games like Fate or Shadowrun looking for new ideas. I tend to prefer creating my own material, usually relying a lot on improvisation which is informed by hours of exploration and prep.

One of the challenges of playing with folks who grew up on D&D is trying to get them to own part of the process of creating story in the game. They are along for a ride created by the GM, and their input is passive until combat scenes start, at which point they activate and set about the work of using system mastery and brute force to kill the opponents arrayed before them.

That is such an ingrained pattern of play that we take for granted that this is the way things will be. Even some of the examples we might hold up of games where the players are very creative and inventive — like Critical Role (of which I’m a big fan), the players are not really driving. They don’t negotiate the story with the GM, they ask questions of the GM.

In Blades, the GM asks questions of the players.

The GM negotiates the challenges with the players, gets their help creating the scenes, and in a much more collaborative way, they build the narrative together as a shared experience, with equal attention paid scenes like investigation and social encounters as is paid to combat.

So, I like this game, and I’d really like to be able to play the game for a full campaign, but it’s a tricky fit for my current group — for reasons that are not at all related to the game or the qualities of my players. So I’m going to build a campaign I can run as a series of one-shots, where participants pick up the members of the “crew” and play them for a session, but the crew and the characters advance and move on from one one-shot to the next.

It’ll be yet another grand experiment. But that gives me something to write about and support here on my site, so let’s get going.

Wishing for the weekend

So, it’s almost the end of the day, and I could actually leave right now if I wanted to. And then the weekend is here.

Of course, this is the wrong weekend. There’s no game this week.

However, I have a lot of game work to do. I’m in the exciting phase, the early days of planning a new campaign where every idea is great and the potential seems limitless.  This next campaign will and Eberron campaign run with Savage Worlds rules rather than D&D.  The theory is that Savage Worlds runs “pulp” style games better than D&D, and my players are enjoying SW and aren’t interested in going back to D&D. So I’ve been working on a hack for Eberron in Savage worlds.

There’s some good work out there.  A fine gentleman named Christian Serrano has created an entire conversion document that lays out his approach to the setting — and he’s made some excellent design choices in there.  Of course, I wouldn’t be a card carrying uber-nerd if I didn’t quibble over a few things and want to make my own changes to his version, so now I have created my own.

Another change I’m contemplating is moving away from Obsidian Portal. I’ve been using their tools for quite some time now, and I like them, but they’re an added expense and I don’t think my players are getting much use out of it.  I can provide the same sort of functionality they’re getting with this site and with google docs.

So, that’s a start. It’s going to be exciting.

Restored to life

The Radiating Gnome site is coming back again. After lying fallow for a few years after getting junked up with assorted shitware, I’m going to start rebuilding from scratch.

A major focus of the site will be my gaming activities, which span several game systems.  These days I primarily run Savage Worlds, but I’m a fan of Fate, and regularly play or run Dungeons and Dragons (5e). So, as I putter around there will be content for any and all of those games.